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May 26, 2011



ACK! he is getting so big!!!! :(


Wow, what a fine looking young man. I feel your pain on the no smiling thing. I have to just take lots of pictures to catch my son smile.


Wow! He has gotten so tall!! I understand what you mean about the not smiling. Mine is 16 and so many pics look like I'm forcing him to stand there LOL.


WOW, he is SO handsome Renee! :o) LOL at "smiling is not cool..." LOL

Love the beautiful handmade afghan/pillow set... gorgeous! You crochet beautifully. I need to get back to it- been YEARS! TYFS, and CONGRATS to your DS. I have #3/4 kiddos STARTING middle School in the Fall...OHMY... I hear ya girl...



I just had to share your post with my husband. Our son just finished 8th grade and he stopped smiling for photos long ago. Glad to know that this is pretty common LOL.

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